Making Tough Decisions as Founders

In this episode, Sean and Étienne discuss how founders should think about making tough decisions. They start by defining why some decisions are difficult to make (01:11), they then discuss the importance of creating a decision-making framework for the company (04:53), share frameworks for making tough calls (11:13), give tips to help solicit feedback from the team (13:35), and end the episode by sharing ideas on evaluating the decisions made (20:12).

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Creators and Guests

Étienne Garbugli
Étienne Garbugli
Author of Lean B2B, Solving Product and Find Your Market. Founder & CEO of Sliced.Market.
Sean K. Murphy
Sean K. Murphy
New technology product introduction. Focused on early customers and early revenue. I help startup teams generate leads and close deals.
Making Tough Decisions as Founders
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