Season One Recap and Lessons Learned

In the last episode of the season, Sean and Étienne look back at some of the key themes that emerged from the first season.

They talk about how entrepreneurship can be viewed more as a career than a one-time experience (02:56), the importance of having conversations in your market (08:34), how founders can evaluate if they’re making real progress (14:24), and why survival is the key (18:53).  At the end of the discussion, they share lessons learned from the first season (21:49) and lay the foundations for a second season...

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Creators and Guests

Étienne Garbugli
Étienne Garbugli
Author of Lean B2B, Solving Product and Find Your Market. Founder & CEO of Sliced.Market.
Sean K. Murphy
Sean K. Murphy
New technology product introduction. Focused on early customers and early revenue. I help startup teams generate leads and close deals.
Season One Recap and Lessons Learned
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